2011年3月22日 星期二


Packing Packing Packing up~ Packing all my loves to you into a box.. When i'm free, i'll have a look..

Feels better after a little while chat with Issac.. Thanks a lot. You really did bring me out from going to the dead end. =D

Mario Zais are being abandoned as a result of divorcement of daddy and mummy.. poor little kid.. mummy will visit you all often.. But not everyday on the bed already. Something that needs to be let go, should be gone. Regret couldn't describe me now, cos i couldn't be! I'm an adult and should be responsible for whatever thing i decided. So, no use to be regretful now. I was WRONG, therefore i couldn't be doing the wrong thing again and again.

Used to talk to my mario zai when i had argument with u.. even scold them as i treated them as u.. hahahahaha =D but now, i'm gonna keep everything inside my memory box. Lock it. No one could gain access. Except myself. Thanks for giving me a nice memory to be put in. Wish u good good XD
