Today is a very special day... lantern-festival, moon cake festival, mid-autumn festival.. whatever ll do la...
went to a park.. played with candle.. whole concentration on d candle.. long time never touch n celebrate this festival, since i was still a child..
slanting candle made by me ^^
2 "Hello Kitty" lantern to chase away the mosquitoes.. ^^
a weird style of putting a candle.. created by someone smart =.=
finally not forgetting our main character, Mr. Moon.. XD *with my fingers*
its not a big celebration.. but it does pull me back to my childhood life.. saw a lot of children were playing candle n holding lantern in d playground, felt... OLD.. I'm now 20 years old.. 10 years back, I might have done d same thing too.. missed that time so darn much.. although today wasn't going on with the actual plan, this sudden plan make me felt relax too.. burned off our "hello kitty" lantern n go home...
(I Just Want My Life To Be As Simple As Today!)
A Simple Meal Can Keep Me Happy For Whole Day. A Simple Talk Can Keep Me Away From Problems. A Quiet Moment Can Keep Me Revising Of My Past Fault.
Life is all about simple for me.. i don't need any luxurious or pompous present.. i just need someone to talk to, i just need accompaniment! I hope i have a sister.. but i wouldn't got one.. so, I'm now seeking for someone, anyone..