2009年12月3日 星期四

Ugly Things!

"Love Power" rely on the party who cares less.. [ The Ugly Truth ]

i found it can be used in many situation and object..
everything i care is against me now!!! Darn!
what i want i would NEVER get it, what i do not want i'll always get it FIRST!
What i care the most i could NEVER protect it, what i do not care it will always be with me!

Great example,
My laptop - i clean it everyday, cover it nicely, use it gently.. [ended up spoiling soon]
My SE w850i - i do not allow people to use it harshly, not even a bit harder.. [ended up in the process to phone repair shop]
My SE c902 - always cover it after used, pull the lense up softly when wanna on d cam.. [ended up scratches on the screen, dropped to the floor, side half damaged]
My car - although i did not always clean his outfit, but i still love him~ [ended up scratches here and there]

everything belongs to me is really against me.. hate it! should not protect it so well isnt? should jus left it born and live by itself right? ARGH~~ HATE it soooo much!!!!

Human.. will it also be the same???
